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Boring tools - sydnas sloot, Planes bench planes (green items reduced) p1 - stanley no. 2 smooth plane. bright, shiny, and clean. fine. _____sold p5 - record no. 04 smooth plane.very little use.. Vintage stanley planes carpentry collectibles, Vintage stanley planes great deals on vintage and collectible stanley planes. vintage stanley no. 42 plow planes, complete stanley no. 45 sets, and other great antique stanley planes for sale at bargain prices!. 10th annual 2-day humboldt antique tool auction, 1 & 2, 10th annual, 2-day. humboldt antique tool auction. day 2, may 2, 2015 beginning 8:35 am . humboldt fairgrounds building (events center) 311 6th ave. north. Jack, fore jointer planes - tools, Shop jack, fore jointer woodworking planes oldtoolsuk. stock stanley record bench planes.. Shop for jack, fore and jointer woodworking planes at We often stock Stanley and Record bench planes. My transitional planes timetestedtools, Transitional planes. questions / comments, start topic forum. ’ve force catalog plane collection. don’ mind , ’ll post #transitionalplane day ’ve worked ands instagram feed.. Transitional Planes. Questions and/or comments, start a topic on the forum. I’ve been trying to force myself to catalog my plane collection. So if you don’t mind following along, I’ll try to post a #transitionalplane a day until I’ve worked through the ones I own here ands on my instagram feed. Home [www.stjamesbaytoolco.], Stanley #40 scrub plane. stanley # 112 scraper plane. stanley / millers #44 plow plane. stanley #71 1/2 router plane. sargent #75 router plane. 4" long open throat router plane. stanley #40 scrub plane. stanley # 112 scraper plane. stanley / millers #44 plow plane. stanley #71 1/2 router plane. sargent #75 router plane. 4" long open throat router plane